Helping Our Aging Community Live Without Fear!

We treat Intimate Partner Violence amongst Aging Couples by increasing and improving screening.

Hidddden No More's Mission

We strive to promote the inclusion of our aging community to ensure they are able to live their lives without fear, abuse, and violence.  We seek to transform the healthcare community by engaging diverse voices, promoting self-determination, and a right to be free from abuse so that aging couples no longer aren’t hidden no more.

We Protect

Eliminate IPV amongst Aging Couples

We Are Qualified

“Dynamic ” team of degreed, trained, and clinically sound therapists.

We Intervene

We are “Determined” to ensure safety in our community for the elderly

We Help

We aim  to increase and improve screening with healthcare providers and social services agents.

We aRe Innovative

We take an innovative approach to this hidden issue of older couples experiencing violence in their home.

We Educate

We educate the healthcare community, law enforcement, communities, and families.

Intimate Partner Violence vs Elder Abuse

Intimate Partner Violence

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a serious, preventable public health problem that affects millions of Americans. The term “intimate partner violence” describes physical violence, sexual violence, stalking, or psychological harm by a current or former partner or spouse. This type of violence can occur among heterosexual or same-sex couples and does not require sexual intimacy. (CDC, 2018)

Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is an intentional act, or failure to act, by a caregiver or another person in a relationship involving an expectation of trust that causes or creates a risk of harm to an older adult.

Hidddden No More Donation

*Donate today for case management, therapy, safety planning, and law enforcement support.  Together, HNM will work with our neighbors, city officials, our neighbors, and you to eliminate violence in the home for good.

Help Protect Our Aging Community

Donate to Hidddden No More and help to provide critical and essential services to current and surviving men and women of sexual, physical, mental, verbal, neglect, and financial abuse.  Your support is essential and needed in order for aging couples to get the help they need to live violent free.  During this COVID-19 pandemic, we are concerned for the rising number of abuse cases and homicide are occurring during the “safe at home” order.